Sunday, July 8, 2018

LCB Kicks off July BBQ Fun Contest

1:25 AM

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LCB Kicks off July BBQ Fun Contest
LCB Kicks off July BBQ Fun Contest

Summer is finally in full swing and the warm (perhaps a little too warm) weather is upon us. You know what that means – it’s time for swimming, working on your tan and of course, BBQs. LCB knows what’s up and that’s exactly why moderator, Lipstick, created the perfect contest for this month, dubbed, the LCB July BBQ Fun Contest!

Members are encouraged to share their favorite grilling recipes, along with perfectly paired side dishes, and as always, there may be a little something in it for you. To qualify for the contest, you must have been an LCB member for at least a month (those who registered on or before June 6th). The contest is currently live and will run through the 27th of this month (until 11:59 EST). One entry is permitted daily and a total of 14 prizes will be awarded, ranging from $5 to $50!

All prizes awarded are eligible for use in the LCB Shop, which can be accessed through the drop-down menu, located under your username in the top, left corner of the site. Select the ‘Redeem Credits’ button and get to purchasing gifts with your shop cash!

Those residing in the U.S. have just recently celebrated July 4th, a prime time of year to bust out the grill and prepare some of your favorite summer dishes. We’d love to hear all about them! Does your family have a killer ribs recipes, or how about the iconic potato salad (one of my favorites)? Or maybe you’ve got something totally unique to share? Whatever the case may be, be sure to head to the forum and divulge your secrets so we can all benefit…


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